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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This article will analyze the causes of Chinese-accented English from the perspective of    English stress and rhythm. The article first introduces the functions of the stress and the rhythm, then, it gives a brief account of the Chinese-accented English. Chinese–accented English is the English with strong Chinese accent spoken by the Chinese English learners, the causes of Chinese-accented English are that the English learners often read the words only by its shape, and only in strong form, and ignore the liaison in English. Finally, the article tries to propose some effective countermeasures, such as pay more attention on pure English education and introduce foreign teachers, do more listening training, add the courses of stress and rhythm in basic education and correct the error of English stress and rhythm.


Keywords: Chinese–accented English; English stress; English rhythm






1.Stress and Rhythm-1

1.1 Stress-1

1.1.1the Functions of the Stress-2


1.2.1The Functions of The Rhythm-3

2.Chinese-accented English-4

2.1the Confusions of Chinese-accented English-5

3.Causes of Chinese-accented English-5

3.1the Words Are Read by Its Shape-5

3.2Strong Form Are Used in Chinese-accented English-6

3.3Liaison Are avoided in Chinese-accented English-6

4. Effective Measures and Solution to Problems of Chinese-accented English-7

4.1.Emphasis on Pure English Education and Introduce Foreign Teachers-7

4.2Strengthen Listening Training-7

4.3Add the Courses of Stress and Rhythm in Basic Education-8

4.4Correct the error of Stress and Rhythm-9


上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文将从重音与节奏对英语的角度出发分析汉腔英语的成因。首先分析重音及节奏的作用。紧接着,本文介绍了汉腔英语及其成因。汉腔英语是由中国的英语学习者所说出的具有浓重的......
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