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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Things Fall Apart is the archetypal modern African novel in English by post-colonial Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe. This paper aims to analyze the causes of the disintegration of the Umuofia tribe of the Igbo people in Nigeria from the perspective of colonialism. It points out that the colonists attempt to substitute the tribal economic pattern for the Western economic pattern and coerce locals into preaching the new religion Christianity. They demolish Igbo’s agriculture and trade and provoke a conflict between African culture and Western culture. This paper also reveals the merits and flaws of the protagonist and tribal leaders and their differing opinions about Western culture. This thesis concludes that the disintegration of the physical home and spiritual home of Igbo due to the colonists’ colonialism, which ultimately causes the whole nation’s systematic destruction.

Key words: Things Fall Apart, colonialism, the causes of the disintegration





1. Introduction1

1.1 Introduction to Chinua Achebe and Things Fall Apart

1.2 Literature Review

2. Causes of the Disintegration of Igbo.3

2.1 Economic Colonialism: Impact of Western Agricultural and Industrial Patterns

2.2 Cultural Colonialism: Conflict Between Religions

2.3 Dire Consequences: Projection of Colonialism Onto Tribal Leaders’ Psyche

3. Conclusion8




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