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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:News English plays an essential role in our daily life. It is an important tool for people to know about the world. The most common rhetorical devices in News English, especially in the tittle of New English is pun. Pun has a novel and unique, concise and humorous rhetorical effect, and therefore can attract news English’s attention. This paper will use cooperative principle in four different aspects including quantity maxim, quality maxim, relevant maxim, manner maxim  to reveal the irreplaceable position of puns in news English. At the same time, it is helpful for readers to catch the information in the English news. 

Key words: puns; news English; cooperative principle





1. Introduction .1

2. Literature Review..1

  2.1 Pun

2.2 Cooperative Principle

3. The Analysis of Pun in News English from the aspect of Cooperative Principle.3       

3.1 The Reflection of Cooperative Principle in News English

3.1.1 The Reflection of Quantity Maxim

3.1.2 The Reflection of Quality Maxim

3.1.3 The Reflection of Relevant Maxim 

3.1.4 The Reflection of Manner Maxim

3.2 The Violation of Cooperative Principle in News English

     3.2.1 The Violation of Quantity Maxim

     3.2.2 The Violation of Quality Maxim

     3.2.3 The Violation of Relevant Maxim

     3.2.4 The Violation of Manner Maxim

4. Functions of Pun in News English..8

4.1 Information Function

4.2 Attraction Function

  4.3 Connotation and Humor Expression Function

  4.4 Irony Expression Function

  4.5 Goodwill Establishment Function





上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文将从合作原则的量的准则、质的准则、方式准则、关联准则四个不同方面对新闻英语中的双关语进行诠释和剖析,揭示出双关语在新闻英语中不可替代的地位,同时也有助于读者更......
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