
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-20
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This paper will give a brief introduction about the origin and definition of euphemism and focus on the detailed introduction about the five branches of pragmatic functions. Emphasis will be put on the correct employment and practical uses of English and Chinese euphemism beyond each function, working on provided and detailed references of the right usage, in order to reveal the various phenomena regarding all practical performance errors in actual life. The main approach to address the problems and offer feasible solutions will be references to cult classics, printed media and denotations of everyday conversation norms and principles.


Key words: euphemism,technique of expression, cultural difference





1. Introduction-1


2. Classifications of Euphemisms-2

2.1 Set euphemism-2

2.2 Provisional euphemism-2


3. Technique of Expression of English and Chinese Euphemism-3

3.1 Technique of expression in English euphemism-3

3.1.1 Innuendo-3

3.1.2 Analogy-3

3.1.3 Substitution-3

3.1.4 Periphrasis-4

3.1.5 Glorifying euphemisms-4

3.1.6 Fuzzy euphemisms-4

3.2 Technique of expression in Chinese euphemism-5

3.2.1 Tactful-5

3.2.2 Taboo-6

3.2.3 Periphrasis-6


4. Pragmatic Functions between English and Chinese Euphemism-6

4.1 Taboo function-6

4.2 Politeness function-7

4.3 Avoidance function-7

4.4 Covering function-7

4.5 Praising function-8


5. Conclusion-8


Works Cited-9

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本文将简要介绍委婉语的起源和定义,通过将英汉语言体系中委婉语的表达形式进行分类和介绍,从而看出英汉文化的差异。并对委婉语的五个语用功能进行详尽的介绍,采用引经据典......
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