
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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The movie Kung Fu Panda made by DreamWorks in Hollywood, which is popular with Chinese audiences. The movie combined Chinese traditional culture and American localized culture skillfully, which reflects the integration of Chinese and American cultures under the globalization. This article integrates many results of theoretical research at present to introduce the meaning of intercultural communication and the situation on foreign and domestic research, and both Chinese and American cultures of this movie were interpreted from intercultural communication, and also offer some constructive advice for Chinese cultural development and intercultural communication as well as integration of Chinese and Western cultures. This article is a case study on the integration of Chinese and American cultures in the movie Kung Fu Panda.


Keywords: Intercultural communication; Chinese culture; American culture; Cultural integration; Kung Fu Panda 






2.Literature Review-2

2.1Definition of Intercultural Communication-2

2.2The Intercultural Communication in Foreign Research-2

2.3The Intercultural Communication in Domestic Research-3

3.Intercultural Interpretation of Kung Fu Panda-4

3.1Chinese Culture in the Movie-4

3.2The American Factors in the Movie-6

4.Implication from Kung Fu Panda for the Development of Chinese Intercultural Communication-8

4.1Exploration on the Conjunction Point of Chinese and Western Cultures-8

4.2Successful Integration of Chinese and Western Cultures-8

4.3Chinese Traditional Cultural Spirit in Western and Chinese Intercultural Communication-9


Works Cited-.....11

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:好莱坞梦工厂制作的电影《功夫熊猫》,深受中国观众的欢迎。这部影片巧妙地将中国的传统文化与美国本土文化结合起来,体现全球化背景下中西文化的融合。本文综合当前诸多的理论......
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