
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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With the frequent international communication, privacy has become the main problem of Chinese and western in cross-cultural communication. Privacy is a kind of social phenomenon and it exists in each nationalities. Because of cultural differences, there are a lot of differences between Chinese and western culture in privacy. We should find out the differences and promote the communication of Chinese and western culture.

In this paper, the author will make an analysis of the difference of Chinese and western in time, space and personal information privacy. Then she will point out the reason for differences——cultural differences. Finally the author will put forward feasible suggestions for dealing with the differences between Chinese and western culture to help people improve the ability of intercultural communication.


Keywords: Chinese; western; culture differences; privacy right





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Differences between Chinese and Western privacy-2

3.1 Time in privacy-3

3.2 Space in privacy-4

3.3 Personal information in privacy-5

4. Reasons for Differences between Chinese and Western privacy

——Cultural Differences-7

4.1 Western individualism-7

4.2 Chinese collectivism-9

5. Suggestions for dealing with gap between chinese and western privacy-11

5.1 Establishing a complete legal system-11

5.2 Organizing a specific cultural festival-12

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-14

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文首先具体分析中西方在时间、空间、个人信息隐私方面的差异。在此基础上找出形成差异的根源是文化。最后提出可行性建议解决中西方之间的差异从而帮助人们进一步提高跨文化......
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