
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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F. Scott Fitzgerald, an outstanding literature “sculptor” in the Jazz Age, he has carved a sheen “diamond” of English and American literature with exciting “skill”, the “diamond” is The Great Gatsby. On the basis of the text, with combinations of the social background and the experience of the author, the paper attempts to make an analysis of the disillusionment of the American dream. From the new perspective, the paper will introduce the rebirth of the American dream and the fundamental causes. The author of the novel used graceful style of writing and excellent words fully presented the 1920s’ American social status, which is full of pomp. Through the protagonist Gatsby’s life experience which is full of disillusionment and hope, we find out the essential color of the American dream, in order to reflect the positive social significance and profound social value. The novel inspires people to love life and enriches their spirit world, finally realize their dreams down to earth.


Keywords: The Great Gatsby; American dream; disillusionment; rebirth; causes





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. The American Dream and The Great Gatsby-2

3.1 Introduction to the American Dream-2

3.2 The Embodiment of the American Dream in the Novel-3

4. The Disillusionment of the American Dream-5

4.1 The Disillusionment of the American Dream-5

4.2 The Causes of the Disillusionment of the American Dream-6

5. The Rebirth of the American Dream-7

5.1 The Rebirth of the American Dream-7

5.2 The Causes of the Rebirth of the American Dream-8

5.3 The Ways to Revive the American Dream-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:小说作者运用优雅的文风以及绝妙的文字,将20世纪20年代纵乐浮华的美国社会状态淋漓尽致的呈现出来。通过小说主人公盖茨比即使梦想破灭也不放弃希望的人生经历,描述出美国梦的......
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