
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte, a woman writer in the nineteenth century English literature. The plot of the novel is organized by the love story between Heathcliff and Catherine. Love—hatred—revenge—restoration of humanity on Heathcliff is not only the essence of the novel, but also the clue of the novel. This thesis mainly focuses on the theme of Heathcliff’s restoration of humanity by analyzing the text and reviewing Heathcliff’s experience of life. The first chapter is the brief introduction of the writer and the story. The second chapter focuses on the literature review both at home and abroad. The third chapter introduces the loss of humanity in Heathcliff, and then reveals the conflict within Heathcliff between love and hatred to show Heathcliff’s resistance against his fate. Besides, it analyses the recurrence of humanity in Heathcliff, which helps readers understand the novel better. In conclusion, through the recurrence of humanity in Heathcliff, the writer intends to reveal that human beings’ beauty nature will be on the upper hand whatever happens. 


Keywords: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; Humanity; Recurrence





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. The Loss of Humanity in Heathcliff-3

3.1 A Cloudy, Cruel, Mad and Evil Man-3

3.2 Death of Mental Support-4

3.3 Death of Human Nature-4

4. Conflict within Heathcliff between love and hatred-5

4.1 Torment of Heathcliff’s inner being-5

4.2 Heathcliff's Resistance against his Fate-7

5. The Recurrence of Humanity-8

5.1 Strength from the Betrayal of Pure Love-9

5.2 The Recurrence of Humanity-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文采用文本分析法,通过对希斯克厉夫的个人生活历程回顾,探讨希斯克厉夫的人性回归这一主题。首先,文章介绍了希斯克利夫人性的丧失,内心深处爱与恨的挣扎以及他与命运的抵抗......
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