
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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This thesis is on the studies of the view of the life in Forrest Gump. From the “stupid” behavior of Gump, people can see the spirit of his independent personality, free spirit, strength of character and a realistic attitude towards life, etc. Through watching movies, understanding the whole story and drawing on previous studies on the theme of the film, This thesis seeks to three main characters’ different lifestyles and their attitudes towards life including Gump, Jenny and Lieutenant Dan, coupled with Gump’s life credo of integrity and dedication, and the life faith reflected under the metaphor feathers and the symbol chocolate, to analyze the view of life which is reflected in Forrest Gump: learn to persevere and never give up.


Key words: Forrest Gump; life attitude; life credo; life faith





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 The Introduction of Forrest Gump-2

2.2 Preview Study on Forrest Gump-4

3. The Reflections of Life in Forrest Gump-6

3.1 The Life Attitude in Forrest Gump-6

3.2 The Life Credo in Forrest Gump-9

3.3 The Life Faith in Forrest Gump--Never Give Up-11

4. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-15

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文主要在于研究分析《阿甘正传》所折射出的人生观。在很多人眼里近乎“愚笨”的阿甘的行为当中,人们看到了一种久违的独立的人格,自由的精神,坚强的性格和现实的人生态度......
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