
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Along with the continuous development of the society, automobile industry has made a spurt of progress. Under the trend of economic globalization, Chinese and foreign automobile manufactures will carry on closer cooperation and communication, which must stimulate the development of the translation of automobile advertisements. Not only can a wonderful advertisement reflect the business concept, but also will improve the sales performance. If automobile manufactures want their products to remain invincible, excellent quality is necessary, extensive publicity is more important. But due to the shortage of target culture for translators, advertisements they translate are complicated and obscure. So this paper aims to analyze problems combined with linguistic features of advertisements, list some common methods of translating and put forward two effective suggestions. In short, not only can we improve the ability of appreciating, but also will strengthen our comprehensive ability of language. 


Keywords: automobile advertisements; linguistic characteristics; translation skills; target culture





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Linguistic Features of Automobile Advertisements-4

3.1 Concise Structure, Being Clear and Easy to Understand-4

3.2 The Use of Rhetorical Device-5

4. Methods of the Translation of Automobile Advertisements-6

4.1 Literal Translation-7

4.2 Free Translation-7

4.3 Amplification Translation-8

4.4 Transliteration-9

4.5 Mixed Translation-9

5. Suggestions to the Translation of Automobile Advertisements-10

5.1 A deep Understanding of the Original Meaning-10

5.2 Noticing the Differences in Cultural Background-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-12

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本论文旨在结合汽车广告语的语言特色分析问题、列举一些常见的翻译方法、提出两个有效的翻译建议。简言之,深入研究汽车广告语的语言特点,掌握好相关的翻译方法,不但能提高......
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