
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter one Introduction.1

1.1 Research Background and Significance-1

1.2 Thesis Structure-1

Chapter Two Literary Review-2

2.1 Introduction to Skopostheorie-2

2.2 Three Rules of Skopostheorie-2

2.3 Previous Stuies on Electronic Product Instruction translation ..2

Chapter Three Errors in Electronic ProductInstructionTranslation...3

3.1 Pragmatic Errors in Electronic Product Instruction Translation-4

3.2 Cultural Errors in Electronic Product Instruction Translation.-5

3.3 Linguistic Errors in Electronic Product Instruction Translation-6

Chapter Four Conclusion-6





With the quickening pace of economic globalization and the deepening of China's reform and opening-up policy, the trade between China and other countries is becoming more and more frequent. At the same time, more and more foreign products have flooded into the Chinese market. Electronic products have penetrated all aspects of people's work and life in recent years. Therefore, the importance of electronic product instruction translation has never been highlighted like today. Nevertheless, due to the lack of the guidance of systematic theories, there occur some errors in the translation of electronic product instruction. Skopostheorie holds that translation is a purposeful activity, and the purpose of translation determine all translation activities. As one of the application texts, the electronic product instruction apparently has a strong purpose, and its main purpose is to transmit related product information. This paper aims to take electronic product instruction translation as a case study and tries to analyze various translation errors by giving concrete examples in the process of translating and put forward the corresponding solutions to the relevant areas of research and provide a feasible strategy for it.


Key words:  electronic product instruction translation  Skopostheorie  translation errors

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:目的论认为翻译是一种有目的的行为,目的决定所有翻译行为。电子产品说明书作为应用型文本之一,显然具有很强的目的性,它以传递电子产品相关信息为主要目的。本文将以电子产......
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