
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词: 分享;分享行为;中班幼儿;特征;影响因素


Abstract:Sharing, which literally is "the more you give to others, the better you will enjoy together", is the pro-social behavior of children and others enjoying a resource together and also is the traditional virtues of our nation. Now most families have only one child and parents hope their children can learn and share articles, But in fact, the behavior of children's unwilling to share makes their parents feel anxious. A faithful record of the children's sharing behavior and the real manifestation of the inner world of children are given in this paper, at the same time, striking features which the sharing behavior of the kindergarten-shift children has and factors which may influence the children's sharing behavior are analysied by using observation and interviews.

Key words: sharing; sharing behavior; kindergarten-shift children; features; factors




上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:分享是幼儿和他人共同的享用某种资源的亲社会行为。儿童要成为真正的“社会人”,就必须学会分享,通过分享行为,可以让幼儿获得友谊,学会更好地与他人相处,在今后的生活中......
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