
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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[关键词]  冲突行为;冲突起因;冲突策略


Abstract:Preschoolers' peer conflicts is the child interaction during frequent phenomenon, it child socialization has the unique value, worthy of our study. The study used observation method and case analysis on the conflict between the study of infant.

A complete conflict including the causes of conflict, strategies, results. The study of the causes of conflict are divided into seven types, language factors, material factors, physical factors, violate the rules, deliberately provocative, accidental factors, refused to. The study of a kindergarten for 32 days of field observation, recording in detail the causes of conflict, the use of strategies and events are written into86 case, case analysis and classification. The conflict between the vast majority of children by material factors, form of mixed type, mostly using neutral solutions.

Key words:The causes of conflict; conflict; conflict management strategies




上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:在幼儿园中幼儿间言语冲突不可避免,每个幼儿在不同情景中所表现出的行为都不一样,所使用的解决策略也不一样。作为一位即将走上教师工作岗位上的我,要善于观察并善于解决各......
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