
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-21
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【关键词】幼儿园教学; 提问行为; 教师观念


Abstract:Teachers as a "professional questions home. Teacher questions directly related tothe effectiveness and quality of teaching. Effective questioning not only stimulateinterest in early learning, and guide the children thinking, but also to promote thedialogue of the teacher and children, the teacher and children together to identify problems and jointly explore and solve problems and achieve meaningfulinteraction, communication, and to gain new knowledge and development. There are many common problems in kindergarten teaching activities, teacher questions,meaningful learning of young children caused by obstacles. Therefore, the questionof preschool teachers teaching activities, found that the problems of the child careteachers' questions, and explore how to promote it to achieve the desired state,has become the subject of this study.

Key words:Kindergarten teaching; Asked behavior; teachers' conceptions

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:目前幼儿园教师的提问存在各种问题, 直接影响幼儿对活动的兴趣和教学活动的效果。为了提高教师课堂提问行为的有效性,矫治课堂提问中存在的种种问题,本研究希望通过现场观察记......
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