
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-21
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【关键词】幼儿园; 区域游戏;  教师角色定位;


【Abstract】This paper is about the kindergarten area of the role orientation of the teachers in the game. This study closely around the "what is a regional activities, the teacher is how to do it, the teacher should be done" such a thought. The observation and interview method, to the suzhou a kindergarten class three class 94 children and three teachers were observed and individual interview, through the data analysis, trying to reveal area in the game, the present situation of the role orientation of the teachers, and summary the effect factors of the role orientation of the teachers, and put forward the teachers should improve their professional ability, update the transition that views on children and a deep understanding in the game of regional children "independent" rights, and to learn to reflect on the game, and so on some thinking and Suggestions.

【Key words】kindergarten;area activies ;Teachers' role



上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:笔者查阅大量相关文献资料与书籍,并在中国期刊网,中国学前教育网,上海学前教育网上,用关键词——“教师角色”和“幼儿园区域游戏”查找了相关研究资料,进行归纳总结,主......
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