
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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摘要:幼儿教育是人生教育的启蒙阶段,随着我国经济实力的增强,幼儿教育已纳入基础教育的轨道,但是还有一些幼儿园由于在宣传上的错误引导和一些家长在幼儿教育上的错误要求,使得一些地方的幼儿教育存在着幼儿教育小学化的现象。主要表现在以游戏为主导的地位被学习所取代,幼儿教育中的识字、算数等教学的比重过大, 课堂讲授结合作业练习的教学方式取代了生动活泼的游戏化教学。这种情况不仅背离了基础教育改革与发展方向,还给幼儿的身心发展带来严重危害,并日益引起人们的关注与思考。

关键词:幼儿园教育; 小学化; 幼儿教育功利化


Abstract:Preschool education is an enlightenment stage in our whole life. With the rapid development of our economy, preschool education has become a part of our fundamental education; however, because of misleading dissemination of some kindergartens and inaccurate demands of some parents on preschool education, the phenomena of primary socialization in preschool education spring up in many areas. In these kindergartens, learning takes place of playing games and plays a leading role. Learning to read and count accounts for an overlarge part of teaching. In short, traditional preschool teaching has been replaced by the means of primary teaching, which violates the rules of basic education reform and deviates from its developmental direction. Also this kind of education does great harm to kids both physically and mentally. Therefore, tendency of primary socialization in preschool education has brings forth people’s great concern and reflection.

Keywords: preschool education; tendency of primary socialization in preschool education; utilitarian tendency of preschool education

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:注重幼儿身心的全面和谐、健康发展,我们就应当严格按照国家的要求来施行,要避免“小学化”。儿童的发展必须在适宜的生理成熟的基础上进行适度、适时的训练,不能随意逾越其......
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