
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-20
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ABSTRACT:Along with the development of science and technology, industrial expansion, lead to gradually reduce energy resources. Junk quantity kinds grow. Junk recovery, reuse and development of new energy has become a top priority. In China's automobile scrap gradually highlights, every year there are many abandoned engine, not only waste the resources, also caused the environmental pollution. This design through for small cars discard of the four cylinder engine for research, to modify engine valve CAM of control sequence, the four stroke engines by modified into a two-stroke, namely the suction, exhaust and corresponding pumping water pump of water supply, drainage, realize engine piston pumping ability, achieve the purpose of using the waste. At the same time using the source of power for type wind drive system. The engine after modification by wind as power sources, effective to use the energy resources, to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources, reduce the pollution to the environment. This design practical in irrigation and water storage and work for a long time continuously.

Keywords: piston pump; Abandoned car engine modification;CAM system design; Wind drive




上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本设计通过对小型汽车报废的四缸发动机进行研究,改装发动机气门凸轮的控制顺序,使原发动机四冲程通过改装后变为二冲程,即吸气、和排气相对应抽水机抽水时的吸水、排水,实......
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