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资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-02
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Compared to the bandwidth-limited FDMA and TDMA systems, CDMA systems can provide a large enough system capacity is mainly affected by the restrictions suffered interference in the system, reducing the interference can directly increase the communication capacity of the system. CDMA system using the same frequency carrier,the power to control the mobile station is the key to achieve maximum capacity, power control technology to minimize interference between the mobile station, the maximum capacity of the channel.

From many aspects of this thesis, the gradual deepening of the power control of CDMA systems research, including the exposition of the principle of CDMA technology, the History and Present Study of CDMA technology, CDMA systems principles and classification of power control, CDMA systems, power control technology applications and the advantages and disadvantages of CDMA system power control technology CDMA system bit error rate, frame error rate in the role, and complete simulation of the bit error rate performance of DS-CDMA system under power control of CDMA systems.

This article also describes the CDMA system power control technology trends, to make their own rough ideas, analysis and discussion of the solution on the line for the power control technology problems.

Key words: Code Division Multiple Access,The CDMA System Power Control ,Forward Link Power Control, Backward Link Power Control


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:多个方面逐步深入地对CDMA系统功率控制技术进行研究,其中包括CDMA技术原理的论述,CDMA技术的历史与研究现状,CDMA系统功率控制技术的原理与分类,CDMA系统功率控制技术应用与优缺点......
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