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资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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摘要: MEMS是英文Micro Electro Mechanical Systems的缩写,即微电子机械系统,它是近年来发展起来的一种新型多学科交叉技术,建立在微/纳米技术的基础之上。电容式传感器是将被测量的非电量变化转换为电容变化量的一类传感器。MEMS电容式传感器作为微电子机械系统研究和制造领域重要的分支,具有体积小、易集成、低成本、可靠性高等优点。本课题分析了调频法、电桥法、差动脉冲调宽电路、电容分压式检测电路等MEMS电容传感器测量电路,但是由于以上几种测量电路都存在一定的缺点以及局限性。所以重点研究介绍了开关电容测量电路,因为此电路结构简单,直流工作点稳定,精度高,灵敏度好,在小电容信号处理方面有着很大的优势。

关键词:MEMS; 电容传感器;电容开关检测


Abstract:MEMS is short for Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Namely microelectromechanical systems. It is a recently developed new interdisciplinary technology,and based on micro/nano technology basis. Capacitive sensor is will be measured not converted to electricity changes the amount of change of capacitance sensor .MEMS capacitive sensor as microelectromechanical systems research and manufacturing important branch, has small, easy integration, low cost and high reliability etc. This issue analyzes the FM method, the method, the differential pulse electric bridge wide circuit, capacitance pressure type detection circuit points MEMS sensor measurement circuit, But due to the above several measurement circuit has some disadvantages and limitations .So the focus of switch capacitance measuring circuit, because this circuit has the advantages of simple structure, the DC operating point of stability, high precision, good sensitivity, has many advantages In the small capacitance signal processing .

Key words:MEMS;  Capacitive sensor;  Capacitance switch detection

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:图2.2所示为MEMS电容式传感器测量原理示意图。MEMS电容传感器的基本原理是将被测量的变化转换成传感器元件电容量的变化,再经过测量电路将电容量的变化转换成电信号输出......
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