
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-24
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   第二章 整体方案的设计。


   第三章 装备零部件的设计。


   第四章 机构的安全计算。




ABSTRACT:This design from the start of the study on the background and significance of the high-rise escape apparatus and existing high-rise escape apparatus for analysis and comparison, found that the majority of devices have low costs, high safety factor, institutional complex, some shortcomings. This design under machinery innovation theory, design out this papers in the of high escape device, the device has cost low, and operation simple, and safety factor high, and pure machinery no electric structure, advantages, last by on design institutions of parts for calculation, came entire institutions of graphics, in times test and calculation zhihou, determines has regardless of is child also is elderly are can from high peace landed to ground, reached has this times design of purpose.Design of high-rise escape apparatus in the paper reads as follows: an introduction.   

   Main statement of the background and significance of the project, research and some of the existing escape devices. Design of chapter

    II as a whole. Depending on the design of mechanical system, design ideas and on the design of the device. 

   Chapter III equipment parts and components design. According to the work requirements of the escape devices, environment, shafts, gears, Ratchet is completed on the appliance, seat and hook design. 

   The fourth institution of secure computing. 

   In order to escape in the actual person can safely reach the ground, this chapter evaluates the whole security, including: the mechanics of rope around a balance of calculation, calculation and calculation of acceleration. 

Key words: high-rise escape, purely mechanical structure, safety speed


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本设计根据机械创新理论,设计出本论文中的高楼逃生装置,该装置具有成本低、操作简单、安全系数高、纯机械无电气结构等优点,最后通过对设计机构的零部件进行计算,得出整个......
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