
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-24
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Abstract:Distributed control system has the system flexible, convenient operation management, control function, rich information resources sharing, easy installation and debugging, so now in scientific research and industrial production has been used more and more widely.

  This paper make a simple control and complex control experiment, familiar with the operation process and knowledge. On this basis, improve the default and accurate experimental data, make the data more reference value. This innovation is to study the delay characteristics of liquid level and temperature effects, by Smith ( Smith ) estimation algorithm, to improve the control quality of the system with large time delay.

  Finally in A3000 experimental system for experimental research, given the relevant data and analysis, the results verify the feasibility of the design and effect of control quality. Summary of simple control, complex control and research of the three portion of the control experiment, drafting experimental guide books, create configuration project and experimental data. Distributed control system of knowledge learning and research, on the basis of independent innovation. For  the A3000 system more in-depth understanding and skilled operation. In order  to provide the basis for the study and experience. Improvement of  distributed control system based on 10simple experiments and 5 complex experimental data and guidance. Jointly established  in 5 innovative experimental research and guidance.

 Independent research and innovation of the double level transmission delay compensation control, temperature of pure lag compensation control of large delay. All theory is not deep enough, the actual data is rare in configuration design, no configuration results of experimental design. Create your own configuration of experimental project a, II experimental guide book, the experimental data.

Keywords: Distributed control system; A3000; Kingview; delay; Smith estimation algorithm


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本文首先通过做简单控制和复杂控制实验,熟悉操作过程和丰富知识。在此基础上,完善缺省和部分不准确实验数据,使得数据更有参考价值。本文创新点在于研究时滞特性对液位和温......
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