
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-11
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Abstract:Along with the progress of the society, the development of science and technology, the living standard of people more and more high,national fitness consciousness gradually improved. As the traditional sports of table tennis is an essential in the public health. Lack of sparring and his companions are the main factors restricting the development of table tennis in real life, in order to solve not golfers did not sparring, Table Tennis and the machine came into being, the table tennis ball machine is a lot of Arena and family of golfers willPreparation of entertainment and training tools, ball machines can be made of the nature of the ball, both for entertainment and fitness, but also suitable for professional training, the cost is particularly high.

This design is to design a purely mechanical table tennis ball machines, design calc ations, the various parts of the table tennis ball machine and the main parts of the check. The design speed device according to the requirements of launching ping-pong, table tennis serve function to launch different ball to meet the needs of different levels and different levels of people. Design organizations to implement multi-faceted serve to change the ball angle and drop the demand point, the more realistic imitation serve. Three-dimensional modeling of the design and calculation of parameters of the design.

Keywords: Machinery; Table tennis; Serve machine; Variable speed







上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本设计主要是设计一种纯机械式的乒乓球发球机,对乒乓球发球机的各个部件进行设计计算,并进行主要零件的校核。根据发射乒乓的要求设计变速装置,使发球机能发射不同球速的乒......
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