
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-12
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Abstract:According to the investigation, the potato harvest complete mechanization and automation of harvest, transport and packing. The potato harvest can be divided into hand-harvest, semi-mechanized harvesting and combine harvester. Especially rural small-scale cultivation areas for mechanization of the harvest area is very small, backward heavy manual labor is still the main way of the potato harvest. Backward mode of production, productivity is very low. Most of the artificial production requires lots of manpower resources; and subject to the constraints of the season, weather conditions, harvest efficiency are not well protected. This led to a lot of waste of labor, development of productive forces have also been some obstacles, economic efficiency is not high.

   For the above, in order to reduce labor intensity, you need people to design the corresponding professional machines to harvest potatoes. The extensive use of specialized machinery, machine to bear the people's labor, or human can not inconvenience the work, both to improve production quality, but also improve labor productivity and improve working conditions. While low-volume or high volume production, to achieve a high degree of mechanization and automation of production, thereby contributing to the development of national economy.

   The first chapter introduces the purpose and significance of the topics in the design, described the development of the cultivation of potatoes and potato harvest machine; The second chapter introduces the two different programs to determine the final design and machineworking principle and the main performance parameters; the third chapter is the main part of the design, including the choice of power, mining the design of components, cut Figure disc design, the design of separation devices, the transmission part of the drive shaft and bearing designkey design, the blocking lever stem design, the design of the set of potato boxes and the whole assembly. Chapter a brief description of the shortcomings and advantages of this design.

Keywords:Potato;Harvester;Mechanization;Automation;Economic efficiency


上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:第一章首先介绍了本设计的选题的目的及意义,阐述了现在马铃薯的种植情况和马铃薯收获机的发展状况;第二章主要介绍了两种不同的方案,确定最终的设计方案以及机器的工作原理......
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