
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-22
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关键词:声卡 虚拟仪器 振动测试 信号发生


ABSTRACT:This topic is based on labview and sound,carried out on the vibration test system

First, from the overall design of the program, begin with design the selection of the hardware to the test system software functional design.which describes the purpose and significance of the research, virtual instruments and the gratitude of functionality and so on .Finally, It’s based on the ZK-4VIC vibration test platform to Conduct this subject designed vibration test systems and ZK-4VIC experimental device for comparison experiments, experiments verify that the system is designed to achieve the basic functions.

    In the hardware part mainly introduced the similarities and differences between the sound card and other data acquisition card,conditioning circuit selection and the analysis of the characteristics and the choice of sensor sensor. To the selection of hardware, to lay the foundation for the research. The software part mainly introduces the design idea of each module based on virtual instrument design ideaswhich relates to the concept of some commonly used in LabVIEW, are described and analyzed briefly. Through the realization of vibration test system software design and debugging of the system functions, to achieve the desired effect.

keywords: sound card;virtual instrument;vibration test;signal produced


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本课题基于labview以及声卡来进行振动测试系统的设计,首先确定了系统的总体设计方案和硬件的选型,其次是通过labview软件设计出一套振动测试系统,通过各个模块的功能来实现整个系......
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