
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, Web chat tool has been the exchange of information as an important tool by a growing number of Internet users of all ages. The system includes the development of an Internet chat server program and a network chat client two ways. The former established by Socket socket server, the server can read, forward, sent the client information, and to refresh the user list. The latter connection is established with the server to the client and client information exchange. Which uses the principle of local area network communication mechanisms, through the direct successor to the Thread class to create multi-threaded. Development of computer network programming using the basic theoretical knowledge, such as TCP / IP protocol, client / server mode (Client / Server mode), network programming design methods. Information in the network programming read, send, is the use of flow to achieve the exchange of information, which describes the realization of a system of information flow analysis, contains some basic software engineering methods. After analysis of these cases, the local area network chat tool as the basic development environment with Eclipse and java language written in a short time the first prototype application system, then, the initial prototype system, constantly revised and improved, until the formation of a viable system

Keywords :VB; chat management; Socket, server, client

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:局域网聊天软件同时可以留着访客,更重要的是让访客透过聊天室实时的互相交流。本人就决定以《局域网聊天软件的设计与实现》为毕业设计,希望通过这一次的能进一步提高本人的......
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