
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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Abstract:As the network is becoming increasingly popular, more and more people on such a platform - Forum. Many commercial websites have opened their own forum to provide communication and services, there are a lot of personal websites and the emergence of individual forums, the Forum has not only a platform, and even become a stage for self-worth. Because more and more important forum, so the maintenance of the forum has become a profession, and to better maintain this level you need to know from the design and conduct. 

  According to the actual needs of online communication platform, the basic functional modules of the system is divided into: press release information management, user management, administrators information management, information management forum categories, forums and information management 6 functions. 

  This paper describes the platform's development model and the environment, and provides details on system analysis, preliminary design and system detailed design process. For example, the platform of the system to set up PHP, and then use Dreamweaver to write HTML files, while the use of Fireworks graphics necessary image page, realize the user registration, login and access information and inquiries.

Key words:  forum for the exchange, Hypertext Preprocessor, Dreamweaver, MySQL

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:利用毕业设计的机会,对小型双语论坛进行开发,本网站主要用于向公众提供一个交流的平台。本网站的成功开发,将实现双语论坛信息的动态管理和维护。管理员可以对本站论坛信息......
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