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资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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关键词:博客;PHP;My SQL;动态网页;B/S模式


Abstract:The system uses PHP as dynamic network development technology, MySQL as backstage database, Apache as Web server and unifies two kinds of script language JavaScript and HTML, as well as many kinds of homepage development kit. The personal Blog System has realized an exchange platform with individual diary and article publication based on B/S model. The thesis is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1 introduces main features, advantages and development technologies used in the system; Chapter 2 presents process flow, system functions and comparison of traditional system and our system; Chapter 3 designs system database and tables as well as the database identifier; Chapter 4 describes various modules of the system by providing detailed design processes, algorithms and techniques; Chapter 5 introduces the relevant environmental configuration of the development and presents some example executions of the system.

Key words: Blog; PHP; My SQL; Dynamic Website; B/S model

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:本系统在Windows XP下采用PHP技术作为服务器端脚本解释器,My SQL作为后端的数据库平台和Apache作为Web服务器,及配套的开发工具和技术,如Dreamweaver CS3......
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