
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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关键词:超声波测距; 单片机; LCD显示; 误差分析。


Abstract: Safe obstacle avoidance is a basic problem of mobile robot or the safety reversing, the distance between the obstacles with the robot or car access to the premise of safe obstacle avoidance. In this paper, it proposed and implemented a ranging system based on ultrasonic sensors, the main purpose of reversing the car, robot automatic obstacle avoidance walking the construction site, as well as some industrial field for the actual distance measurement. The system mainly consists of the smallest single-chip system, ultrasonic transmitters and receivers, and LCD display circuit consists of three parts, by the actual assembly and debugging, to achieve the original design requirements. The experimental results show that using microcontroller to control the ultrasonic testing is often more rapid, convenient, simple calculation and easy to do real-time control features with high measurement accuracy.

Key words: ultrasonic ranging; microcontroller;  LCD display; error analysis.

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:本课题利用单片机和超声波传感器设计一个障碍物测距系统,该系统主要包括检测系统的主控器、传感器收发部分、距离显示部分等,论文主要工作如下:熟悉课题设计任务要求,查找......
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