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资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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摘要:随着科学技术的发展,嵌入式系统开发已经进入32位时代。国内外嵌入式产品地进一步开发和推广,嵌入式技术越来越和人们地生活密切相关。本文主要介绍了以SAMSUNG ARM9(S3C2440)和嵌入式Linux为平台的,基于GTM900模块的GPRS无线通讯系统的硬件和软件方面的设计。主要内容包括:GPRS通讯电路板的PCB设计;ARM9 中Boot loader 编程与FLASH烧写;GPRS和ARM9的外围与内部硬件电路的设计;串口通讯的原理与编程;AT指令的收发等等。该系统实现了以下功能:语音通讯;短信服务;电话薄的记录与修改;来电查询;来电显示等等。



Abstract: With the development of technology, the Embedded System has come to the era of 32-bits. With the deeper and wider development of world wide embedded products, the embedded tech has become more and more related with people’s daily life. This article mainly introduces the hardware-software co-design of GPRS wireless Communication system based on the GPRS module with SAMSUNG ARM9 (S3C2440) microprocessor and embedded Linux system. The following are the main content: the design of M22 module’s PCB, the programming and FLASH download of Bootloader on ARM9 microprocessor, the both internal and peripheral hardware circuit design of GPRS module and ARM9 microprocessor, the principle and programming of serials port, and the AT command’s sending and receiving. The system’s main functions are as the following, the voice communication, the short message service, the recording and changing of phonebook, the checking of incoming call, the showing of incoming call and so on.

Key words: ARM; S3C2440; Embeded linux system;GTM900; AT Command; GPRS

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:(1)对实时多任务有很强的支持能力,能完成多任务并且有较短的中断响应时间,从而使内部的代码和实时操作系统的执行时间减少到最低限度。(2)具有功能很强的存储区保护功能。......
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