
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-18
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摘  要:随着21世纪竞争全球化、信息即时化的发展,人们外出旅游、出差的机会也越来越大,云南大理作为一个旅游的圣地,更是人们很好的选择去处。美登大酒店是大理的一所四星级酒店,是很多出差旅游者所考虑的住所,业务量的增加,给管理酒店及酒店的发展带来了一定的困难。为了适应酒店发展需求,开发一个能通过互联网预订及满足酒店管理方面需求的系统是很有必要的。


   本系统开发采用C#编程语言,以Visual Studio 2005、SQL Server 2000为开发工具,Windows 7作为操作系统而实现。主要采用ADO.net技术,以及ajax技术等,从而设计实现了网上预订、前台入住登记、前台预订、入住增加消费、房间交换、更改房态、客户结账、团体入住、钟点房、用户信息管理、简单信息管理、房间信息管理、仓库管理,营业情况统计等主要功能。




ABSTRACT:As the 21st century global competition, information-in-time developing, People travel opportunities are also growing. As a scenic resort of Dali,Yunnan province,it is a good choice destination. Medeng Hotel as a Dali's four-star hotel, many business travelers consider it is the place to have a rest. With the increassing in business volume, it has brought some difficulties to the management and development to the hotel.In order to meet the needs of hotel development, it is very necessary to develop a system that can meet the tourist’s booking through Internet and manage the hotel online.

  Now most of the hotel management system is based on C / S model developed, while the convenience of our customers booking and hotel information management of the B/S model system is very little. Based on the practical situation of Meideng Hotel, it is very necessary to design a set of B/S model hotel management system. This system’s designing purpose, should implement system of simple and easy to understand, convenient operation, simple and easy.

  This system developed on the C# programming language, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2000 as developing tools, Windows 7 as operating system to achieve the goal. The design realized the internet booking, front desk registration, front desk reservation, check-in increase consumption, room to exchange, change room state, customer checkout, group check-in, hour room, user information management and information management, the simple room information management, warehouse management, Business statistics and so on.

  Through  using  the  developed of Meideng Hotel management system, we can realize the information standard management, and the guest room management of the systematic, standardization.Such not only reducing the management’s work, but also improving work efficiency and reducing the cost of the management.

Keyword: Web development; Hotel management system;B/S;ASP.NET

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:为了提高服务质量,酒店的管理系统会随客人的需求而不断完善。及时地共享客人的信息,给客人提供人性化的服务成已成为酒店管理的目标与方向,而酒店装潢、客房数量、房间设施......
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