
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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关键词:教科书   中产阶层   偏见


Abstract:Textbook is a special kind of knowledge carrier, it contains a wealth of content, and it is an important media for the students to learn knowledge and form ideas. The bias of textbook contents will affect teachers' teaching and students' studying directly. This paper attempts to analysis the problem in a sociological way .I try to discuss the following issues in the example of elementary school language textbooks. First, examine elementary school language textbook bias exists in the class, which shows that it is obviously to see the tendency of the middle class, then  I make a  general of characteristics of the middle class reflected in textbooks. Second, try to find the reason why the textbooks have a tendency of middle class. Third, propose the effective method to solve the problem in the aspect in the writing, choosing, using and the test of textbooks. Through the research, the paper aims at preparation and revision of textbooks to provide more bases, and to guide language teaching in primary schools of class bias.

Keywords: textbook ,middle class,   bias




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:教育质量与效率历来是国内外教育研究的关注重点,随着教育理念和方式的不断革新,针对教科书的研究渐渐走入人们的视线。教科书作为课程的主要载体之一,是学校课程的核心内容......
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