XX市高考英语自主命题卷书面表达试题历时分析与研究 (2004-2012)_英语论文.doc

资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-25
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ABSTRACT:The writing test of Chongqing-characteristic NMET, as the object of the research, is diachronically studied in this paper. This study mainly contains two aspects, i.e. test content and test design. The result of analysis shows: the genre, the theme and the scene providing form are diverse; most proportion of language style is formal; the authenticity is high; Most of the information cue is legible and concise; Most of the openness and interaction and bias are appropriate, but still have some problem; the novelty is a little low. According to the analysis results, this paper will make some enlightenments and suggestions of future writing test and English teaching.

Key words: Chongqing-characteristic NMET Writing test Test content Test design



关键词:重庆市自主命题高考英语 书面表达 试题内容 试题设计

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:Most of the information cue is legible and concise; Most of the openness and interaction and bias are appropriate, but still have some problem; the novelty is a little low. According to the analysis results, this paper will make some enlight......
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