
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:The multimedia technology in the middle school physics teaching in use for many years of research. It with a unique charm induction, stimulating students of seeing, hearing, etc multiple senses, will be a boring teaching process into a lively teaching way, greatly stimulated the students' learning interest and enthusiasm and reduce the student heart pressure and learning burden, make the students happy emotion experience and thinking communion harmonious nature into positive thinking state, from passive unconscious activity into a positive intentionally activities. The students' learning ability to play a positive role in promoting and prompted a teacher according to the teaching contents design teaching planning, in the multimedia teaching information under the role of effective teaching, and make students in multimedia teaching under the role of information effectively study, a relatively ideal learning effect. But until today, how to effectively use the auxiliary multimedia teaching to improve the teaching effect, is still an issue that is worth studying.

   This article through to "movement of the description, the speed of the movement" two teaching courseware design and production and teaching research shows the teaching courseware in design and the production process needs the effect of attention and the problems of the effect the courseware. The multimedia teaching courseware in new course middle school physics teaching in application in the analysis and exploration, explore the content of the multimedia courseware design, multimedia courseware and according to the practice process of the classroom teaching of multimedia courseware when the use of the practice on how to effectively use the multimedia courseware on deep research.

Keywords: Junior school physical; The multimedia teaching courseware; Teaching research


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:通过对“运动的描述、运动的快慢”两节教学课件的设计与制作以及教学研究说明了教学课件在设计与制作过程中需要注意的影响课件效果的各种问题。对多媒体教学课件在新课程中学......
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