
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-25
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Abstract:Biology is a subject which has many experiments. Along with the new curriculum reform, the ratio of exploratory experiment in biological experiments has greatly increased. The research took an case analysis of experimental teaching in the seventh grade to promote the development of exploratory experimental teaching.

   By the way of document and interview analysis, this article analyzed two exploratory experimental cases in the seventh grade from the perspective of teaching mode, teaching content, teaching implementation, teaching evaluation. Besides, it introduced two exploratory experimental teaching modes, opening experimental teaching mode and secondary experimental teaching mode respectively. The research showed that exploratory experiment can enhance the students’ comprehensive skills, and also gave some advice on how to reinforce the exploratory experimental teaching.

Keywords: exploratory experiment; teaching mode; case analysis


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:这一课题的研究还重在促进探究性实验教学的发展,提高探究性实验教学的质量。对于学生来说,如果能够引导学生走上自主探究、自主实验的道路上,对于学生的一生的影响无疑是极......
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