
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-12
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关键词:荷兰豆幼苗;盐; 胁迫


Abctract: This paper uses sand culture method to study the effects on growth of sweetpea seedlings with treatments of different concentrations of Nacl,such as changes of the root length, plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, content of tissue water and content of chlorophyll,Pro and MDA. The results show that: different concentrations of salt on growth and development of sweetpea seedlings play differents roles. With the increased of concentrations, growth of sweetpeas was inhibited, and sweetpeas’fresh weight, dry weight and water content decreased. Content of tissue water also decreased go with the concentrations of salt increasing. Sweetpea seedlings’ chlorophyll content were affected under salt stresses, and chlorophyll content are respectively 89%,54% with the comparison of the control groups under treatments of concentrations of 50mg·L-1,200mg·L-1. Content of MDA increased go with the concentrations of salt rising, and contents of MDA are respectively 113%,201% with the comparison of the control groups under treatments of concentrations of 50mg·L-1,200mg·L-1.  Content of Proline increased go with the concentrations of salt rising.  

Key words: SweetPea Seedlings; Salt; Stress

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:随着盐碱化土壤面积的增加,荷兰豆的生长液受到严重的威胁。本实验以研究荷兰豆为材料,通过室内土培试验研究不同浓度对荷兰豆幼苗生长和生理指标的影响,为盐对荷兰豆的伤害......
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