
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-03
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关键词 P. ananatis;纤维素酶;内切葡聚糖酶;活性特征


Abstract:Endoglucanase is a common cellulose. Taking fermentation product in cellulase activity as an index, enzyme activity of a recombinant endoglucanase strain was analyzed by liquid fermentation technology. Recombinant endoglucanase enzymes producing strain liquid fermentation and after induction, changes in enzyme reaction conditions, using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC-Na ) method for the determination of the enzyme activity, the strain after induced by 2h, at around pH5.0, temperature 50℃ under the reaction conditions of enzyme activity reached the highest by 44.67U/ml, while Mn2+ on the enzyme has stimulative effect. This study provides more in-depth perspective on fermentation of recombinant endoglucanase and a better understanding of the endoglucanase characteristics for novel endoglucanase development.

Keywords   P. ananatis  Cellulase  Endoglucanase  Activity characteristics

上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:β- 葡萄糖苷酶可将纤维二糖及低分子量的纤维寡糖水解成两分子的葡萄糖。纤维二糖属于非专一性酶,不仅可以水解多种糖苷键,也可以水解纤维三糖、纤维六糖等。而纤维二糖酶在水......
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