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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王媛媛 更新时间:2021-06-29
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Abstract: In Hardy’ s novel, Tess is a character who is pure, beautiful, intelligent, and kind-hearted. During her lifetime, she goes through many sufferings, and scholars at home and abroad have made a great deal of research on the causes to her tragedy. Although Tess’s fate is doomed to be tragic due to her poor family, unfortunate love experience and the social backgrounds, her happiness is undeniable, no matter how tiny or short it is. This paper aims at discovering her happiness in her love story, her family and her independence. Meanwhile, the effect of Tess’ personality on her happiness is analyzed.


Key words: Tess, tragedy, happiness, personality





1. Introduction.1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Tess of the d’Urbervilles

1.2 Literary Review on Tess’ Tragic Fate 

2. The Happiness of Tess.2

2.1 Happiness in Love.2

2.2 Happiness in Family3

2.2.1 A Complete Family

2.2.2 Sense of Responsibility and Self-sacrifice to Family

2.3 Happiness in Her Independence5

3. The Effect of Tess’ Personality on Her Happiness6

3.1 The Spirit of Rebellion6

3.2 The Spirit of Optimism7

4. Conclusion.7



上传会员 王媛媛 对本文的描述:在哈代的小说中,苔丝是一个纯洁、美丽、勤劳、善良的形象。在她的一生中她经历了一系列的苦难,国内外学者也对其原因进行了大量研究。尽管苔丝因其贫困的家庭,不幸的恋爱经......
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