
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-21
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【关键词】儿童的天性与教育; 童年危机; 兴趣班


【Abstract】This study on the children to participate in class status of the investigation and thinkingof utility classes for children of nature brings negative influence. And by using the method of questionnaire investigation, open interviews and non-participatory observation method, various aspects of the investigation, research, data collection, Survey results show that: children attend classes exist serious utilitarianism, the parents attach too much importance to interest class results as well as the majority of children had no choice in the matter.on the basis of this analysis, summary. And in view of our country present interest classes exist some misunderstandings and problems, combined with the nature of children and education theory,give their own aboutcorrectly treat the interest class some enlightenment.

【Key word】The nature of children and education     childhood crisis    interest class



上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:渐渐走近儿童、走入儿童世界的研究者不断发现,在幼儿身上看不到那些纯真、无邪,而是有一丝丝的愁思。我不愿看到这样的场景,对于一个幼儿教师,甚至是任何一个关心儿童的人......
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