
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词: 智能家居;远程;照明;家电;安防


Abstract:The function of the Intelligent Home Living Control and Remote Alarm System is to monitor your house at anytime in any place for a more comfortable and convenient environment. It controls and feeds back the condition of illumination, home electrical appliances and security precautions in the house by the way of mobile communication, RF transceiver system and Infrared coding transceiver on the basis of WINCE5.0 to accomplish the feature of remote alarm system. The system can control the start or padlock of the electrical equipments and check the working condition of the equipments of the illumination, home electrical appliances and security precautions by sending messages. It also can give an alarm by the signal auto-detect function. All the systems can not only be controlled by local central control but also by the remote monitor under collective control.

Key words: Smart Home; remote; lighting; appliances; security





   (3) 带有人体热释电防盗器,防盗窗,防盗门,火焰,温度等安防智能报警功能。综合监控家居安全,防止意外发生。



上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:智能家居报警控制系统的主要实现了在照明,家电,安防三方面的报警控制。该系统可以通过远程短信指令来控制电器设备的启动和关闭,查询电器设备的工作状态,以及自动检测信号......
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