
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-08
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关键词:电动车窗  防夹  电流纹波


ABSTRACT:In order to effectively solve the power window safety problems exist, there are many cars have adopted anti-pinch electric windows system.To achieve power windows pinch function you need to consider two core issues: determine the location of windows and window state is detected.Therefore, anti-pinch electric windows in the design requirements, it must be continuous monitoring of the motor current, the precise location of the window, to determine whether to enter the anti-pinch window area is an obstacle to determine whether the need for the implementation of the window pinch function.

   This design is based on current ripple detection window anti-pinch control systems.When the motor is running, there will be alternating current superimposed on the DC current, the resulting ripple.Per motor revolution, it will generate a fixed number N of current ripple, window motor sport trip with a linear relationship between the number of current ripple.Thus, with the number of detected current ripple to calculate the movement of the window itinerary to determine the window position if the window position is pinch region, took advantage of the power drive BTS7960 the motor current detection current sample, get the motor current the real value, and then with the standard motor current value, if the difference is greater than the allowed difference is considered to be an obstacle to enter the pinch status, control windows down.Conversely, if the position is not anti-trap windows within the region, not to enter the pinch state.

  This method does not require Hall sensor, low-cost solution compared to Hall sensors, the configuration of the motor requirements low, simplifying the hardware circuit design, electrical installation is simple, convenient, and highly reliable, with good anti-pinch function.

Keywords: power window;pinch protection;current ripple



① 电动车窗防夹系统的工作原理分析;

② 防夹系统硬件设计;

③ 驱动电流检测和车窗位置检测;

④ 防夹系统软件设计;

⑤ 系统调试。


上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本设计主要是系统通过检测车窗位置和车窗电机电流,在电动车窗上升过程并进入防夹区域中夹住物体并达到一定力度后,让电动车窗自动停止或回落,用以防止物体(尤其是人体)被夹伤......
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