
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-12
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关键词 MQ2气敏传感器;AD0832;AT89C52


Abstract:In recent years, as China's economic development, people's living standards improve, more and more families have their own private cars and traffic accidents caused by drunk driving is also frequent.Given people's increasing emphasis on the drink driving, alcohol test subject has aroused widespread concern.Therefore ,we need to design an intelligent instruments to monitor drivers for alcohol content and can play a role in anti-drunk driving. 

   This study is based on MQ2 gas sensors, AD0832 and AT89C52 microcontroller, collecting concentration by MQ2 and monitoring drivers exhald gas to reflect the alcohol concentration in the biood, and alarming by sound and light, and prompting in the form of LCD1602 display if there is a drunk driving behavior.According to the relevant provisions of the state,When the exhaled gas alcohol concentration exceeds a threshold, using relay lock the engine ignition switch. The system also uses the LM324 integration op-amp circuit triggers into low power state.Experiment and measurement show that the system can monitor the gas in the alcohol concentration, and the resolution is meeting practical basic requirements.

Key words  MQ2 gas sensor  AD0832  AT89C52










上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本课题研究是以MQ2气敏传感器、AD0832模数转换器和AT89C52单片机为核心,通过MQ2采集并监测驾车者呼出气体中酒精浓度来反映血液中酒精浓度,并以声光报警及1602LCD显示的形式提示是否有......
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