
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-12
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摘要:本设计为一种风扇控制器,具有灵敏的温度感测和显示功能, AT89S52 单片机作为中央处理系统对风扇转速进行控制,可由用户设置手动或自动控制。当自动控制时,测得温度值在哪一温度范围,则风扇转速就切换到哪一档,当温度超过所设定的最高温度时,则自动切换到最大风档,当温度小于所设定的最小温度时,则自动关闭风扇,控制状态随外界温度而定。当手动控制时,用户只需控制按键就能控制风扇的开关和转速。所设高低温值保存在温度传感器DS18B20内部EEPROM中,掉电后仍然能保存上次设定值,性能稳定,控制准确。

关键词 单片机;风扇;温度


Abstract:The design of a fan controller, sensitive temperature sensor and display function, AT89S52 microcontroller as the control of the fan speed central processing system, which can be set by user manual or automatic control. When the automatic control, the measured temperature value in a temperature range, the fan speed will switch to which a maximum temperature, when the temperature exceeds a set, then automatically switch to the maximum wind speed, when the minimum temperature is less than the set temperature, the fan will be closed automatically, control state varies with the outside temperature. When the manual control, the user only needs to control can control the fan button switch and speed. The high and low temperature value is saved in the DS18B20 internal temperature sensor EEPROM, still can save the last set value, after power off, stable performance, accurate control. 

Keywords  microcontroller fan temperature






上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本设计中的风扇控制器不仅可以根据用户的需要调节风速,而且可以根据温度自动调节,使用方便,在市场不断要求产品的功能多元化和使用方便、人性化,这样改进无疑是符合要求的......
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