
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:As the teaching continued reform and courses building Continued improvement, the establishment of problem sets becomed an important part of curriculum support,It’s play an important role on students 'deep understanding of professional knowledge and develop students' comprehensive quality. It’s Based on the characteristics and the requirements of the key and difficult of the "metal science and heat treatment of materials and the characteristics, to establish a structured set of exercises, student-centered mode of education, and stimulate students' interests, and provide guidance and reference for teaching, and promote the teaching level and teaching quality continuously improve. This article On the basis of the curriculum and learning, focusing on exercises to establish the impact of students' independent study and exercises created content and exam construction contents, methods, work flow and function to achieve.

Keywords:  Problem Set; Metallography and heat treatment; Student-centered; Independent learning


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:根据《金属学及热处理》教材和该学科的特色及重点难点的要求,系统的建立层次分明的习题集,实现以学生为中心教育模式,激发学生兴趣爱好,同时为教学提供指导和参考,促进教......
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