
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:The metallurgical engineering design basis is the foundation of metallurgy design disciplines, to edit the exercise from the foundation of disciplines' can improve students' comprehensive ability training quality.And the Problem sets can let students understanding, comprehensively classroom teaching content, exercise the student independent analysis, cultivate the capability of solving problems independently, and promote students further deepening the basic theories, basic understanding of the concept Through the exercise training, the students can give full play to their intelligence, and a deep understanding of the knowledge learned in class. Therefore, compile a students oriented, pay attention to the cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability, training students' interest, at the same time the attention knowledge network, systematic the metallurgical engineering design basis of problem sets, in training students' design thinking activities and the ability to solve practical problems to have the important meaning. This article from the reality and with your own learning experience, to the writing of the problem sets are the system the preliminary research, write a book on improving students' comprehensive ability quality has a good function of the metallurgical engineering design basis problem sets.

Keyword: Exercises; Independent study; Knowledge network; Design thinking; Comprehensive ability quality


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:以及注重知识网络化、系统化的《冶金工程设计基础》习题集,对学生设计思维能力、解决实际问题能力的提高具有重要意义。本文从实际出发并结合自身学习经历,对习题集的编写进......
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