
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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摘要:计算机的迅速发展为多媒体教学等新型教学形式提供了物质基础。其中多媒体软件因具有融文字、图像、声音、动画等多种媒体信息于一体的特性,可以生动、形象地描述各种教学问题,增加课堂教学气氛,能达到增强教学效果的作用,对其进行开发已成为现代教学发展的必然趋势。随着多媒体技术的发展,PowerPoint,Flash,Auhtorware等软件被大量地应用于教学,并成了教学手段现代化的一个重要标志。本课件采用Flash mx 2004开发多媒体技术制作课件,通过Flash软件把文字、音乐、动画、图形等这些信息进行加工,生成出一个完善的系统结构。将其植入课件中,使课件图文并茂,增加了课件的生动性,方便了物理化学实验课的教学与学习。

关键词:计算机;Flash mx 2004;多媒体课件


ABSTRACT:With the the rapid development of computer multimedia, the computer provided the material foundation for a new form of teaching. Multimedia software can synthesize the financial text, images, sound, animation and other multi-media information in one of the characteristics of a vivid image to describe a variety of teaching problems, to increase the atmosphere of classroom teaching, to enhance teaching effectiveness. Its development has become an inevitable trend of modern teaching.With the development of multimedia technology, software such as PowerPoint, Flash, Auhtorware been widely used in teaching, and became an important symbol of the modernization of teaching methods.This courseware using the Flash mx 2004 production of courseware development of multimedia technology, flash software, fonts, music, animation, graphics and other information processing to generate a complete architecture system. Implanted into courseware illustrated, it can increase the vividness of the courseware and facilitate the teaching and learning of physical chemistry experiment.

Keywords: Computer; Flash mx 2004; Multimedia courseware


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:本课件采用Flash mx 2004开发多媒体技术制作课件,通过Flash软件把文字、音乐、动画、图形等这些信息进行加工,生成出一个完善的系统结构。将其植入课件中,使课件图文并茂,增加了......
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