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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:林颖颖 更新时间:2022-04-08
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摘要: 本文首先介绍了小学生自主学习的概念。其次,分析了小学生自主学习的特点、自主学习的必要性以及影响小学生自主学习能力发展的因素。在实践的基础上,从小学生自身条件和课堂教学的角度,来探究了培养小学生自主学习能力的方法。然后我希望更多的小学英语教师能意识到发展小学生英语自主学习能力的必要性和重要性,以及自主学习能力对小学生发展的意义。








1. Introduction 1

1.1 The Definition of Autonomous Learning2 

1.2 The Importance of Autonomous Learning.2

2. The Factors of Autonomous Learning4

2.1 External Factors.4

2.2 Internal Factors.5

3. The Characteristics of Autonomous Learning.6

3.1 Spontaneous Learning7

3.2 Free Learning7

3.3 Self Disciplined Learning8

3.4 Summarizing and Reflecting8

4. The Necessity of Autonomous Learning9

4.1 Cultivating the Ability of Active Development9

4.2 Cultivating the Good Quality of Learning10

4.3 Cultivating the Students’ Confidence .11

5. The Methods of Autonomous Learning.12

5.1 Stimulating Pupils’ interest12

5.2 Creating an Active Atmosphere.12

5.3 Cultivating the Self-study Habits.13

5.4 Developing the Autonomous Learning Ability13

5.5 Cultivating Students Learn to Use Knowledge.14

6. The Strategies of Autonomous Learning .14

6.1 Training Students to Make Goals and Plans15

6.2 Monitoring the Learning Process.15

6.3 Checking and Evaluating the Results of Learning.16

6.4 Self-reflection and Summary.17

7. Conclusion.18


上传会员 林颖颖 对本文的描述:As our traditional education is ingrained, there is still a lot of backward behavior in the current education and teaching. These ideas and behaviors are not conducive to the self-study of primary school students. Chen Desong, a professor o......
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