
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-24
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外文出处:Dominick Vetri. Tort law and practice [M]. Alaska:LexisNexis Press,2002

The tort system interlinks with other compensation systems. It is no coincidence that a high proportion of tort damages are in respect of road accidents, industrial accidents and medical mishaps. The insurance system works behind the scenes to ensurt that the plaintiff is adequately compensated in these types of cases. There is also an interaction between the tort system and other forms of compensation and worker’s compensation. In considering remedies, it should be remembered that tort compensation is not the principal form of compensation. The plaintiff’s chances of receiving adequate compensation will depend on whether he can prove the defendant was at fault and whether the defendant has adequate resources to compensate the plaintiff. ………………


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:侵权诉讼、侵权法、损害赔偿律外文翻译 外文出处:Dominick Vetri. Tort law and practice [M]. Alaska:LexisNexis Press,2002......
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