
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-07-02
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外文出处:Digital Economy and Intellectual Property By:Mingde Li,2006

   Just as people are using different ways to characterize our current society ,such as the information era,the age of past industry,and the age of globalization ,people are also using different ways to characterize our current economy,such as the information economy and the digital economy.All of these summarizations are trying to stress or emohasize some striking characters of our current society or current economy

The concept of digital economy is stressing that our current economy is significantly impacted or influenced by digital technology or information technology. That is, the digital technology or information technology are producing new ways of working, new means and manners of communication,new goods and newservices,and new forms of community. Because of the digital technology and the Internet, many………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:数字经济的概念是在强调,数字技术和信息技术对我们当前的经济有着重要的影响。也就是说,数字技术和信息技术正在产生新的工作方式,新的沟通手段,新产品和新技术以及新型社......
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