
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-07-02
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外文出处:The quest for environmental law equilibrium  By: Waite, Andrew. 2005

Modern regional industrial development, making a combined pollution and environmental damage is characterized by joint tort feasor has become increasingly serious. Environmental co-infringement, are unique to modern society against the rights and interests of social situation, often enormous damage, which lasted a long time, involving a wide range of environmental accountability of the civil liability joint tort feasor is necessary. Environmental Tort Civil Liability for infringement of administrative responsibility and the environment, environmental tort and criminal liability as the duty of contemporary three major environmental laws, including civil liability for environmental violations are the most basic, most important of all………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:追究环境共同侵权者的民事责任十分必要。环境侵权民事责任与环境侵权行政责任、环境侵权刑事责任并称为当代三大环境法律责任,其中环境侵权民事责任是最基础、最重要的,这是因为......
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