
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-07-02
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外文出处:Author:(United States) Richard. A. Steiner wave period  Released time:2000.1.23

Model law. Ordinary courts of the United Kingdom based on "reasonable" standard of the executive to judicial control of discretion. In Britain, the "reasonableness of the law through the correct interpretation of the criteria specified. Such standards differentiate between what are the statutory authorities have the power to make and which are not entitled to do so. Right to draw the administration or abuse of power, the limits of . If there is a decision no reasonable authority, then the decision is often referred to as unlawful. This is now generally known as Wade in the substance of Sainsbury unreasonable. " a lot of well-known British judge is unreasonable standard forms have had a very vivid description………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:英美法系模式。英国的普通法院依据“合理”标准对行政机关自由裁量进行司法控制。在英国,“合理标准是通过对法律所作的正确解释所指明的标准。这种标准分清了哪些是法定机关......
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